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What you should know

There are several types of kidney cancer but the most common is called renal cell carcinoma (RCC). RCC often stays in the kidney but it can spread to other parts of the body, most often the bones, lungs, or brain. Risk factors include smoking, long-term dialysis and immunosuppressant medicines, obesity, certain toxins, and certain genetic diseases and family history of kidney cancer. Worrisome symptoms blood in the urine, pain in the lower back, unexplained weight loss, fever, or fatigue. Other benign tumors exist called oncocytoma which, while not at risk for spreading, may cause severe bleeding and pain.
The most common treatment for kidney cancer is surgery to remove all of part of the kidney, however, your treatment will depend on the stage of your disease. At the Cancer Clinic at CiC, some patients with stage one cancer may have their tumor destroyed through a small incision. This is done as an outpatient. No hospital stay or prolonged recovery necessary.  Those with oncocytoma or the benign type of kidney tumor can undergo a simple outpatient therapy to stop or prevent bleeding and destroy the tumor. No major surgery, minimal recovery, no sutures, just a bandaid. If you have been diagnosed with a kidney cancer call The Cancer Clinic at CiC Utah today!

Kidney Cancer: Text
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